Sunday, May 9, 2010

the other mothers

Note to self: self-made portraits are too close-up for a 40-something mother!

My baby is playing happily by himself at my feet right now, giving me a moment to reflect and thank the women who made it possible for me to be a mother.

To our beautiful surrogate and egg donor:
I hope that your lives have been easier because of your remarkable gift to us.

I hope that you've been able to achieve what you hoped for when you agreed to do this.

I hope that you don't regret your decision, or miss the child you helped to create and carry.

I hope you know that I will always remind Micah on mother's day to be thankful to you.


  1. Just beautiful. The picture and the words.

    Happy Mothers'Day.


  2. Stephanie
    Micah is a very lucky little boy to have such a caring and thoughtful mother like you.
    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  3. Happy Mothers day Steph!!! I hope you had a great day.

  4. Stephanie, I love that!!! We haven't thought that far ahead, but what a nice idea to take time to remember those special women on a day like Mother's day! I hope you had a wonderful Mother's day!

  5. Beautiful. Thank you for writing what so many of us feel.

  6. Don't worry about the close-ups. all the better to see your beauty and warmth in your heart which shines through your eyes. A very happy mother's day. i feel it so much more this year. A special warm thanks of gratitude and best wishes (as Dr. Shivani says) to the surrogates. What brave souls they are.
