It was snowing today; a nice light snow that would have made for lovely cross-country skiing, if my back had been up for it. At least we got out for a walk. We haven't really taken Micah outside much this winter. He's had a cough on and off for the last few weeks, and quite honestly it seemed easier to just hang out with him inside. But it was fun to take him out; he's such a serious guy! Just looked around, taking in the new sites, the snowflakes, the cheek-numbing temperature. Here's my new favorite pic of both my boys.
Last thursday was "crazy hair" day for the older kids at Micah's daycare, but when he woke up, he had crazy hair and begged me to let him go to school that way. Can't argue with a guy sporting a fauxhalk, can I???
One more fauxhalk picture.
I resisted the urge to take more "messy face from new foods" photo, but we're all slowly getting the hang of solid foods. Micah's repetoire now includes: sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, brocolli, green beans, peas, avocado, yogurt, bananas, and peaches (not in season so I'm dicing up frozen organic peaches which aren't very sweet.) Next up this week: silken tofu and then potatoes. So far he doesn't not like anything; just seems to take it all in stride. One thing he really seems to love: water! We live in a very dry climate, but it is easy to forget that babies need water as much as grown-ups do.
Sign language for water: thumb holds down pinkie and first three fingers held up to the lips. Today I had a fun sign language surprise. I've been doing "all done" when feeding Micah (hands held up chest level and waved to show front and back), and today when I did that, he held his own hands up and looked at them. Probably means nothing, but it was a nice positive reinforcement for me to remember to keep using signs.